Big Data and its importance

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What Is Big Data And How It Matters?
Today’s world is all about collecting and managing chunks of data. Data flows universally and can tell a lot about the source from which the data has been collected. All these aspects bring us to the concept of big data, which you hear quite often every day. But a question that might raise curiosity in you is what exactly big data is and why it matters so much in today’s scenario. Well, let us find out.

About big data
Big data is what its name suggests. It is simply a collection of large volumes of data that is usually large and hard to manage. Big data could either be unstructured or structured. Whatever the case, it is based on the organization’s function, depending on how well they use it and not just collect and manage big data.
The characterization of big data
You can characterize big data using the three V’s that determine its real meaning. Big data is large and complex to manage using traditional methods. Hence, it can be characterized by Volume, Velocity, and Variety.
Volume: The large volume of big data comes from various sources, such as social media, transactions, images, videos, etc. Business organizations store large volumes of big data in data lakes and other cheap storage options.
Velocity: Velocity refers to the fast generation and collection of data in today’s scenario. Hence, big data needs timely assistance.
Variety: big data is available in various formats. It could be structured, unstructured, numeric, text, audio, video, or email.
Hence, these characteristics define big data. However, business organizations use two additional features these days: veracity and variability.
The importance of big data
Big data is the key to running business organizations by using it as a competitive advantage. As mentioned earlier, big data is not only about collecting and managing large chunks of data but analyzing its behavior.
Big data analysis can be utilized for predictive modeling, machine learning projects, and several applications related to analytics. Business organizations can analyze big data to optimize product development, enhance their revenue and profits, create personalized marketing campaigns, improve operational efficiencies and operations, and have an effective resource management system through smart decisions.
It also helps gain insights into the customer experience and preferences regarding the products a business organization is selling. Business organizations can use the insights to improve their marketing campaigns, advertisements, and promotions.
The importance of analyzing big data has no limit in today’s scenario. It can also be utilized in the medical field to enhance medical research. Medical researchers can better identify illnesses’ signs and risk factors and predict outbreaks.
What could be better than using big data analysis to manage supply chains? The manufacturers and transportation companies can utilize the insights from big data and streamline their delivery routes.
Big data can also help real-time market data analysis and inform financial services firms regarding risk management. Government organizations can also benefit from big data analysis and optimize emergency response and crime prevention.
The best part about using big data lies in the oil and natural gas companies. They can detect proper drilling locations and streamline electrical grids and pipeline operations.
After a healthy discussion on big data and its importance, we can conclude that it is beneficial to business organizations from all sectors to improve their operations and generate high amounts of profit and revenue. The secret lies in how well a company uses big data analysis and not just stores it in their systems. You can learn more about big data from Internshipgate.


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